Speaking at The Reset Workshop!

The end of 2016 has turned out to be a major list-crossing-off few months for me. Not only did I get to be interviewed on a podcast, but I was also recently asked to speak at a workshop that will be taking place in early 2017!

I am super excited to join the lineup for this one day workshop taking place in Hampton Roads, VA. I will be speaking on blogging for your ideal client and I can not wait to meet everyone there and hopefully help take away some of the overwhelm when it comes to blogging. 

One of my big hairy scary goals is to speak regularly at conferences and workshops so this is such a huge and awesome first step for me towards reaching that goal! So excited for what the rest of 2017 has to bring!

For more information on The Reset Workshop, check out this post and if you are interested in attending, grab your ticket soon as I think they are almost sold out!