VIP INtensive Workshop // Recap
/The first week in February of 2017, I headed down to the DC area for the VIPINtensive hosted by Reina Pomeroy and Tonya Dalton.
I learned about this workshop from my good friend Kinsey from She Creates Business (you know, that one time I was on a podcast) ;-) She had an episode where she talked about different workshops/conferences that were coming up and as soon as she mentioned this one, I instantly grabbed my computer to look it up because it sounded so interesting to me.
I ended up emailing with Reina (from Reina & Co) to find out if this might be a good option for me based on my plans for 2017 (Launching After some back and forth and great questions by Reina, I decided that this would really be a great opportunity for me and since it was only a few hours away, it was even better that I could drive down for the 2 day intensive.
I didn't really know what to expect other than a couple of days of great learning and being challenged, and I must say all of my piddly little expectations were blown out of the water. Not only did I get to meet and network with some other amazing women who have big dreams and plans for their own businesses but I got time to really sit and think strategically about what I wanted to do with my businesses in order to grow them into something that would be really fulfilling within my life.
What I loved most about the workshop, was that it wasn't just sitting and listening to people talk on specific subjects. I do think there is absolute value in that, but having the ability to walk through the education and then work things out on paper with instant feedback was super valuable. We all had the opportunity to share ideas, stories and potential strategies with each other while each working on our own individual goals/objectives. Instead of just waiting to get home to start implementing things on our own, we had the opportunity to actually begin right then and there when the ideas were happening and inspiration was hitting us. I really liked this format and thought it worked really well for all of us there attending.
There is so much more I could say about this workshop/intensive, but this blog post would end up being WAY too long so for now I will leave you with some images from the two days. I was honored to take some behind the scenes shots and some head shots of Reina and Tonya so that the memories from these two days will be documented and remembered for all of us who attended!